
Showing posts with the label fishing village

The Bicentennial that wasn't

The year is 2019. It is the year to commemorate the 200th anniversary of founding of Singapore by Thomas Stamford Raffles, but for some inexplicable reason, the powers that be decided to turn it into a Raffles bashing exercise.  There appears to be a conspiracy to cloud the issue of who really is the founder of Singapore, maybe even to "Photoshop" him out of the picture altogether! This concerted attempt at shifting the spotlight away from the birthday boy and focusing it on a bunch of gatecrashers from a different era is simply confounding.  My question is, what are the hidden motives for stealing the thunder from Raffles? There must be a mastermind behind all this, but who? To explore the what of the ways they’re doing it I have made this video: As for the why… I can’t figure it out except perhaps for two possibilities: One, highlighting Raffles as the founder would dim the aura surrounding another figure who has often been loosely credited with the founding of Singapore. ...